Idiot Drivers (07.14.1998)

Most people think of themselves as great drivers.  Yes, that goes for me.  I am a good driver.  The sad truth, however, is that we are all hazards to the public safety … in someone else’s opinion.

My teenage son thinks I’m terrible because I don’t use my blinker every time I turn the wheel more than a half a turn.  I tend to think it shows a definite lack of intelligence to put on your blinker when there’s not another car in sight for miles.  When I explain this to him, his eyes roll back in his head as he bites his tongue and starts taking deep breaths.  But I remember having similar thoughts about my Mom’s driving, so I’ll give him a pass.  I guess it all has to do with a person’s perspective.

My grandmother once pulled out of a parking lot directly into some oncoming traffic and caused a three-car pileup.  The man driving the front car jumped out of his car, ready to do battle with her for doing such a stupid thing.  He wasn’t prepared for the little gray-haired lady who marched up to him shaking her finger, scolding him like a two-year-old.

“What in the WORLD were you thinking?  You should have seen me coming!  Now look what you’ve caused!”

Like I said, it all depends on your perspective.

When I’m in a hurry, I can’t believe how many IDIOTS out there go so slowly.  I always seem to get caught behind one of them on a curvy two-lane highway.  They slow down, speed up, slow down, and never, ever pull over to the shoulder to allow you to pass.  I always wanted to be able to flash a sign that said, “Hel-LUH-oh!  Do you see the miles of cars behind you?”  Or how about on the interstate when not one, but TWO cars go side by side under the speed limit.  Yep, I need my sign.

But when I’m in my Sunday-let’s-go-for-a-drive mood, I can’t believe how many MANIACS are out there!  They swerve in and out of traffic, and then have the NERVE to tailgate me like I’m the one breaking the law.  I always wanted to slam on my brakes just to teach these sorts a lesson.  Heehee … I’m sure they’re cussin’ me and wanting to flash me a sign.

So basically, anyone who goes faster than me or slower than me is an idiot.

It all depends on your perspective.

About Sarah Higgins

Sarah wrote the column "Life's Funny!" for the Bay City Tribune (Bay City, Texas) from 1998 to 2003. The columns, primarily based on her hectic household full of four children, pets, and constant crises, are posted on this site. In 2014, she was diagnosed with a rare type of cancer, adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC), in her sinus cavity. ACC is a wicked type of cancer with poor survivability rates. She underwent the resection of the tumor, part of her eye socket, her cheek bone, facial tissue, and half her nose, followed by 6 weeks of grueling radiation and 15 reconstructive surgeries. In 2021, her surgeon told her, "Well, I think you've beat this thing!" Posts about the early surgeries are also posted on this site by Sarah's son, Donnie. Today, she lives in her Montana log home just north of Yellowstone National Park with her dog, Charlie.